2020-03-13 12:27
COVID-19 Temporary measures
Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak in Portugal, we are forced to take some temporary measures in relation to our work.
As long as it is justified to do so, we will continue to work but with the following restrictions:
- We will work behind closed doors
- Meetings, whenever possible, will be held electronically, via Whatsapp or Messenger or another platform
- Any meetings that are necessary to have in person will need to be scheduled in advance
- We will be available as always by phone during business hours and email anytime
We will strive to continue to work and provide the same quality of service as long as we have that possibility and it is in our hands to make that choice. We will keep our customers informed of any changes to our services.
You can always contact us through the following means:
Phone: (+351) 289 075 011
Email: geral@creoconcept.com
Web: www.creoconcept.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/creoconcept
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